Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ideas To Make A Seating Chart For A Wedding

Fine marble cake

For those whose New Year resolution is to eat a little healthier or get rid of the rolls of Christmas: Overcast now prefer your eyes. Because with a whole package of vegan butter and a quarter kilo of sugar this marble cake is not exactly diet food. But he convinces with its delicate taste and the succulent pastry. Every day you should not eat it, but trust me: This is worth a marble cake - filled with no eggs, no milk, just with pure delight.

For a fine, juicy, loose marble cake
250 grams of vegan butter, softened and room temperature (!) - Eg "Alsan from the organic market
250g caster sugar
1 pinch salt
1 package high-quality (Bourbon) vanilla sugar
185 grams Sojajoghur, natural
2 egg substitute (eg No-Egg), according to package instructions touched *
330 grams flour
sifted 20 grams of corn starch (cornflour)
1 packet baking powder 3 tablespoons soy milk

20 grams cocoa powder
4 tablespoons soy milk
20 grams caster sugar

the oven to 180 degrees Celsius preheat. A springform pan with a hole or a Guglhupfform grease well.

stir in a large, tall bowl, mix the softened butter smooth with a mixer. In another bowl mix the sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Add the sugar to one-third each to the butter, add and mix in with a hand blender very well - we want to create a soft, fluffy cushions for our cake. When the butter is stirred fluffy with all the sugar, soy yogurt each add in thirds and mix well continue to make the dough the yogurt completely takes before the next part yogurt happen. Add the egg substitute and mix well. Then mix the flour

in a separate bowl with the baking powder and sifted cornflour. Again, one third of the flour with the remaining dough mix (this time not with the mixer, but simply with a spoon or a spatula), and in each case, add a tablespoon of soy milk. Go on like this until all the flour is well mixed with the dough. The dough should be heavy torrential fall from a spoon - that is, spoons high when the dough starts moving slowly falling down and the tears off, then you are correct (otherwise, add some soy milk). 2 / 3 of dough stress in the prepared pan. The remaining dough is our dark layer.

Then you stir in a separate bowl, combine the cocoa powder with the remaining sugar and milk. Fold into the remaining batter and stir until smooth. The dark dough gently to remove the bright dough into the mold.

Now for the pattern: draw a spiral with a fork through the dough layers. Then something else, the surface smooth and crisp in the oven for about 45 minutes (at 180 degrees) or until a toothpick in the cake comes out clean. Allow to cool completely and dust with icing sugar. Enjoy.

* No-Egg of Orgran my favorite is the egg substitute (available in each Veganversand ). You can also take any other egg substitute from the health food store, or try soy flour (2 tablespoons soy flour and 4 tablespoons of water), but I myself have tried it before.


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