Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Garrison Fire Detector


Christmas is just around the corner, it even has one foot already in the room. Today we went shopping yet - before the holidays is always a gauntlet - a bit of food, the other presents, a couple of vouchers, and for the little brother of the friend I should choose something else, too ... So that at least the dinner is not exhausting, Veggie burgers and fries are planned. As I stand in front of the mile-long cooling section, I notice the large sign: "Christmas goose, Hungary, . 4 €, "" Duck, from France, 3 € "These commendations leave me for a moment the hustle and bustle forget about me, and the importance of these deals hits me hard: A small, forfeited life as frozen sold for a song. An individual, a small personality who feels the same pain as we all, with a mother and a father and probably countless feathered siblings. Perhaps rather the pack are on the plate? Still, we rest our stuff together and make our way home. On the highway, we get an animal transporter. I am looking at two gentle, dark eyes of fuzzy black and white fur. Eng are kept in the Cows in the cold to their likely final destination to be related.

It seems, so would just forget the holidays, all resolutions, all compassion and all thoughts of our animal counterparts. I know people who eat otherwise very little meat, but just the Christmas and New Year could never imagine without carp, roast pork, fried sausages or roast goose. Of course, not to mention the people who get just the thought of vegetarian food rash, also boost their consumption of meat then again properly. Why do we conduct ourselves during the holidays as if all our flesh grow on trees? Why do we drive out just for Christmas the many videos and reports on factory farms and their atrocities? If you ask people why it just for turkey at Christmas must be to get answers like "Because we have heard so," or "Because it was always like," or "Because it's tradition."
tradition comes from the Latin tradere or traditional, over what to give as much as or transfer means. I wonder what is it that we give over here. If there were empty gestures? Sense of free action sequences? The goose must be eaten because it has always been and will remain so until eternity so? Do we want the next generation of gluttony ? Over to give Disrespect for others, as long as it brings joy to our palate? And we can not determine these traditions and enrich our own values? Freely interpreted by Jean Jaurès: " Tradition is the preservation of the ashes, but the kindling of the flame ." I'm dying to him for compassion another, and that the pass I want and I am convinced that many, many others just think. Why do we focus our traditions not look? Who has determined that on Christmas Eve, absolutely must be fried sausages? And can not be made of seitan? I think that the holidays just as delicious if you are vegan risotto, served pasta, tapas, nut or lentil roast or baked potatoes. At Christmas we get together with our whole family, laugh, have fun and reflect on the really important values in life. We celebrate the birth of a special man who has long passed before our time and the least vulnerable in society's hand. If these values are not much better represented in a vegetarian or vegan holiday meal - a meal in which no creature is harmed? I wish us all the strength, the traditions in our lives to mold, so that they represent our own values and we can give over compassion, kindness, and sustainability. Merry Christmas.

A very nice action: Long live the goose!


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