Friday, November 21, 2008

Can You Get Pokemon Crystal On The Ipod Touch

Oh oh ...

... what can I say ... as long as I have my blog, this has never left orphaned ...

This must not happen again!
I take before me laid, every week from now blogging at least once, even to look scrappy wenns nix is!

And because I so long not have heard from me, I'll show you today some pictures of the last week ...

Last week at Martinsville Emelie move from kindergarten. The lantern it has itself created in KiGa. I just assembled them ... and unfortunately I had just put together and not glued. Therefore, it is then also at the Martin fire falling apart ... shame ... but now they are sticking everything ...

on Sunday had my godson her 3rd Birthday celebration. It was really nice and although there are 7 children between the ages of 1 3 / 4 to 4 years (without parents) were, it worked really well and the kids played great! It was really great ... we have to eat the dwarves by the way this sweet (or spicy ;-)) Spinnenfrikadellchen served .... mmh ...

And today I've baked with Emelie:

2 kinds of cookies: cornflake cookies (because I forgot to photograph) and butter-Ausstechplätzchen that tomorrow we . decorate There was so much fun and Emelie has helped put out really great and really good ... she has since quite a knack for ...

snowing hard when you already?
I've watched all day today in the sky, but except a few strong wind gusts and hail was nothing going on with us ... there are still 4Grad and no snow in sight! Whether the well is yet? I love but such extreme weather conditions ... I could hang all day at the window ...
Tschüssi ... to the days